Brico Depot Romania
±350 connected suppliers, tens of thousands documents exchanged & archived per month
Brico Depot is a chain of DIY and Home Improvement stores created in 1993 in France. The chain was later purchased by the UK group Kingfisher, which eventually opened over 100 stores in France and then extended its business in Spain, Poland and later on in Romania.
The project with Brico Depot was launched in the spring of 2016, with the purchase order at the forefront. Later that year receiving advices were also added. In 2017, the EDI flow is eventually upgraded by adding order processing – original, credit notes and storno invoices. During this year, we will also integrate the flow containing the return advice and its connected invoice.
Integrating EDI transmissions between Brico Depot Romania and its suppliers increased data accuracy in the purchasing orders and diminished the (temporary) suppliers’ penalties due to the integrated systems from the Logistics department.
Aligning the master data highlighted the discrepancy between prices found in the retailer’s catalog and the supplier’s master data. This resulted in a significant decrease in the number of credit notes processed.
Following the validation of invoices with their receiving advices, on the quantity level, the retailer/beneficiary will only receive the invoices with the adequate quantity.