How to overcome challenges brought on by B2B integration

Picture a giant network. It has a myriad of dots and just as many connecting lines between them. Now think of B2B integration – you will see that the two are very similar. Each of these dots is one of your trading partners and the line connecting your dot to their dot is the business..

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The importance of switching to a demand-driven supply chain

We are so caught up in our day-to-day lives, that we often forget how important the weather is both in our personal and professional lives. Think of all the times the weather was so bad that the roads were blocked and transit was indefinitely suspended. What’s the impact of this type of weather on your..

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Have you considered undergoing B2B modernization?

Based on previous experience, we can safely assume that you’ve had your current integration system in place for quite some time now. Of course, it most likely served you well, but it does have its own expiry point and as it reaches it, you can feel its performance no longer as great as it used..

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